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Selling Assets

Your beliefs around a market might change during the market life time and in this case you might want to sell your previously bought assets.

Lets say you have new information around a market and have the intuition that the price of your asset will drop to a price below what it is currently at in the near future. In this case you would like to sell those assets when the price is still high.


The following code is a continuation of the same code used when buying assets in the Making a Prediction Part

But note that we have to calculate the slippage for selling and not buying.

Swapping Outcome Assets for ZTG (base asset)

Here we swap the previously bought outcome asset Yes back into the pool in exchange for ZTG or other base asset on the pool.

const slippage = slippageFromFloat(0.1, "selling");

const minAssetAmountOut = calcOutGivenIn(

const signer: KeyringPair = getBsrTestingSigner();

const submitableResult = await pool.swapExactAmountIn({
assetIn: outcomeAsset,
assetAmountIn: amountToSell,
assetOut: { Ztg: null },
minAssetAmountOut: minAssetAmountOut.toFixed(0),

Full Code

Here is a link to the full code of this example with some smaller differences so its testable during development.

Full Code Snippet